

New Matter – MOD-T 3D Printer inside Review!!

Hi Guys,

Just thought those of you that are either trying to find out what has gone wrong on your New Matter MOD-T printer or that are just interested in how it all fits together would be interested in this post that I have come across.

It shows the internal component in great detail and you should be able to diagnose most issues from reviewing these photo’s which are mostly in focus.



Enjoy yourself…..

Video link explaining clearly why strong encryption has to remain without a back door.

Defence Secretary accuses technology firms of acting like the ‘enemy within’: Sir Michael Fallon says companies cannot act like a ‘fifth column’ in a modern democracy.


Sir M. Fallon & Mrs Rudd, If you are incapable of doing your job. I suggest that the resign and allow someone who actually is qualified in the technology to get on with doing this job properly. If the CIA/FBI and Department of Justice are unable to tell Apple to open up its iPhone. Then, I see the little likely hood that they are going to respond to the UK. The Amy chap that was hacked down in East London. The murderer had posted on FB several hours before the attempt for any of the security services to see. Yet, nothing was pickup until this dreadful event had already happened. It shows that the HMG are desperate to move on the failure on to other 3rd parties rather than face up to the fact that there are some mentally unstable people within society that due to the Government’s own cuts have fallen under the radar of being pickup and help recover. The case of “Needle in a haystack come to mind”. The needle becomes increasingly difficult to find when the Haystack is increasing!

of course, the government can do something about it, they introduce legislation enforcing it or the product is banned, simple really or do the politicians have an ulterior motive?


Small technical issue. “Freedom of speech”. Sort of gets in the way. But like Parlement tends to be upheld by the Judges…. Trust me if the Tax accountant can think of a way of moving money elsewhere without HMG getting their Tax. Our little friends can always go back to using the Postal system (Paper, Letters even)… Time to wake up and smell the coffee.

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Warning Theresa May ‘would go to war’ to defend Gibraltar as Defence Secretary Michael Fallon vows to ‘protect’ its sovereignty ‘all the way’


Spain has kicked an own goal here. The Gibraltar lot were for staying in the EU. So, what May does is say OK. We will give the Gibraltar region a vote on if they want to become part of Spain in the EU or stay with the UK. (Knowing full well what the result will be. UK or Spain? Yep, not hard to work that one out.) As long as Spain provides the same vote for its own region that wants to depart from Spain. Then, wait for the backtracking!! Oh, when will the EU learn that Howard in (Yes Minister) would take great delight in pointing out the converse position that will hurt the EU. “We are there to mess things up. We couldn’t do it from outside. So, we joined so we could do it from within!” Enjoy your weekend….

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We’ll just make everything dependent on the independence of the Basque country and Catalonia

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Sterling’s plummeting value since Brexit vote cost Virgin Atlantic £50m last year.

Comment Reply

A competent company would have hedge against the Currency movement. The movement was offset by the slide in Oil pricing which from memory went down to $34. So, the B.o.D should be fired by the shareholders. Perhaps, that will start to wake up the UK B.o.D’s to being a tad more on the ball. BritExit is a figleaf to hide behind. You are in a business where FX & Oil price changes on a daily basis. You have been in the business for 20 years. Time to use that experience. Not come up with feeble excuses that know one believes. Oh and by the way. PAY your UK Taxes like everybody else does!

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Hedging against “normal” currency fluctuations is relatively straightforward and costs relatively little. Could you inform us how you would have cost-effectively hedged against the “step change” plunge in the Brexit Pound. The Brexit Pound lost 15-20% of it value overnight and hasn’t recovered, nor does it look like it will recover for some years, if at all. Come on, clever clogs, give us the benefit of your infinite wisdom. P.S. How poor are you?

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My response:

Well, Ted, Irrespective and regardless of the funds and assets of my name, I have a functioning brain. Knowledge is power and Power is Money. With this in mind, I have been destined to be wealthier than you since birth. When the Asset and finance are added to this, I’m clear living such a lavish lifestyle that I can afford to waste time replying to you without fear of being made Bankrupt. Enjoy your Evening Ted. :o)

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Update on New Matter 3D MOD-t Printer

Well here we are again,

After a short break from Blogging, we can report that this printer is still performing well.

It took a little while for the Firmware to become stable. But, the current version seems to complete most builds now.

We have switched from using Cura to Slic3r V1.2.9 as we found that this package seems to work without issue when slicing the models.

I settled on using Autodesk’s 123D Design program which can be used freely and exports the STL files that the Slic3r can convert to G-code files. You can use the MOD-t printer utility to upload the G-Code to the printer via the MOD-t Printer Tools/Settings/Advance button using a connected USB cable.

You should have this utility loaded on the PC as part of the original setup of the printer. This way gives you more control over what settings are used. Rather than rely on the Manufacture New Matter Cloud site.

The only negative is that you have to connect the Laptop to the MOD-t whilst the G-code is uploaded. Against, the New Matter servers talking to the printer via the wireless adapter built-in.

The printer seems to have quite a sizeable memory. As we have been able to upload what seems quite complex G-code files and still be able then to remove the USB. Before pressing the flashing button to start the process off.

We amended the Slic3r with the Platform size of 150 x 100 and gave it the origin offsets x-75 & y-50 to start from the middle point of the platform. As previously we hadn’t and this made a bit of a noise as the printer tried to print off the platform. Once, we grasped this issue. The 3D build processed without issue.

We made a couple of tweaks to the file. Which we have uploaded for anyone else to use. You can open the page by clicking on here.

Then select the text and copy and paste to a file with .INI at the end of it.

Tweak One:

We stop it drawing around the actual model. This was ok at the start a learning process. However, once we started using the full platform size the printer was again trying to print in fresh air again. So, we turned that off in this config.

Tweak Two:

We have raised the first lay temperature to 215’C for the first layer. We left the next at 200’C which again seems to work well.

Tweak Three:

Under the speed section, we reduced the speed overall to 20%. Whilst this sounds very slow. We don’t now have issues of the 3D model detaching itself from the platform since this was adopted.

We have undertaken to produce a 3D printed Turbine which was produced by this chap here.

As you can see. We shouldn’t lose it anytime soon. We still have a couple of parts to complete before we are able to start the build process of actually making power!

We will report back once we have completed the printout. Even show it in action in Sunny Banstead!

Anyway, enough for now.


Enjoy your weekend.




Slic3r file for New Matter MOD-t 3D Printers

Copy the text below into NotePAD and then Save with to a file 3DMod-t.INI

Note the location so you can load it again into Slic3r.

# generated by Slic3r 1.2.9 on Sat Feb 11 13:42:33 2017

bed_temperature = 0
bridge_fan_speed = 100
cooling = 1
disable_fan_first_layers = 3
extrusion_multiplier = 1
fan_always_on = 0
fan_below_layer_time = 60
filament_colour = #FFFFFF
filament_diameter = 1.75
first_layer_bed_temperature = 0
first_layer_temperature = 215
max_fan_speed = 100
min_fan_speed = 35
min_print_speed = 10
slowdown_below_layer_time = 5
temperature = 200

[filament:Simple Mode]
bed_temperature = 0
extrusion_multiplier = 1
filament_diameter = 3
first_layer_bed_temperature = 0
first_layer_temperature = 215
temperature = 200

filament = MOD-T.ini
print = MOD-T.ini
printer = MOD-T.ini

avoid_crossing_perimeters = 0
bottom_solid_layers = 3
bridge_acceleration = 0
bridge_flow_ratio = 1
bridge_speed = 60
brim_width = 0
complete_objects = 0
default_acceleration = 0
dont_support_bridges = 1
external_fill_pattern = rectilinear
external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0
external_perimeter_speed = 50%
external_perimeters_first = 0
extra_perimeters = 1
extruder_clearance_height = 20
extruder_clearance_radius = 20
extrusion_width = 0
fill_angle = 45
fill_density = 15%
fill_pattern = honeycomb
first_layer_acceleration = 0
first_layer_extrusion_width = 200%
first_layer_height = 0.35
first_layer_speed = 20%
gap_fill_speed = 20
gcode_comments = 0
infill_acceleration = 0
infill_every_layers = 1
infill_extruder = 1
infill_extrusion_width = 0
infill_first = 0
infill_only_where_needed = 0
infill_overlap = 15%
infill_speed = 80
interface_shells = 0
layer_height = 0.3
max_print_speed = 80
max_volumetric_speed = 0
min_skirt_length = 0
notes = MOD-T – DJV 29/01/2017
only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters = 1
ooze_prevention = 0
output_filename_format = [input_filename_base].gcode
overhangs = 1
perimeter_acceleration = 0
perimeter_extruder = 1
perimeter_extrusion_width = 0
perimeter_speed = 60
perimeters = 3
post_process =
raft_layers = 0
resolution = 0
seam_position = aligned
skirt_distance = 6
skirt_height = 1
skirts = 0
small_perimeter_speed = 15
solid_infill_below_area = 70
solid_infill_every_layers = 0
solid_infill_extruder = 1
solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0
solid_infill_speed = 20
spiral_vase = 0
standby_temperature_delta = -5
support_material = 1
support_material_angle = 0
support_material_contact_distance = 0.2
support_material_enforce_layers = 0
support_material_extruder = 1
support_material_extrusion_width = 0
support_material_interface_extruder = 1
support_material_interface_layers = 3
support_material_interface_spacing = 0
support_material_interface_speed = 100%
support_material_pattern = pillars
support_material_spacing = 4
support_material_speed = 60
support_material_threshold = 0
thin_walls = 1
threads = 2
top_infill_extrusion_width = 0
top_solid_infill_speed = 15
top_solid_layers = 3
travel_speed = 130
xy_size_compensation = 0

bed_shape = -75x-50,75x-50,75×50,-75×50
before_layer_gcode =
end_gcode = G92 E0\nG1 F360 E-2\nG1 F300 Z128\nG1 F3000 X0 Y40\nM104 S0
extruder_offset = 0x0
gcode_flavor = reprap
layer_gcode =
nozzle_diameter = 0.4
octoprint_apikey =
octoprint_host =
pressure_advance = 0
retract_before_travel = 2
retract_layer_change = 0
retract_length = 2
retract_length_toolchange = 10
retract_lift = 0
retract_restart_extra = 0
retract_restart_extra_toolchange = 0
retract_speed = 40
start_gcode = G90\nG1 F300 Z1\nG1 F1200 X77 Y15\nG1 F300 Z0.315\nG92 E0\nG1 F2520 X77 Y-35 E4\nG1 F2520 X77.5 Y-35 E4.05\nG1 F2520 X77.5 Y36 E8\nG1 F5000 X77.25 Y36\nG92 E0\n G1 F2520 X77.25 Y-35 E4\n G1 F2520 X77.75 Y-35 E4.05\n G1 F2520 X77.75 Y36 E8\n G1 F5000 X77 Y0\n G1 F300 Z1\n G1 X0 Y0 F5000\n G92 E0\n
toolchange_gcode =
use_firmware_retraction = 0
use_relative_e_distances = 0
use_volumetric_e = 0
vibration_limit = 0
wipe = 0
z_offset = 0

[printer:Simple Mode]
bed_shape = -75x-50,75x-50,75×50,-75×50
end_gcode = M104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nG28 X0 ; home X axis\nM84 ; disable motors\n
gcode_flavor = reprap
nozzle_diameter = 0.4
retract_length = 2
retract_lift = 0
start_gcode = G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle\n
wipe = 0
z_offset = 0

autocenter = 1
mode = expert

avoid_crossing_perimeters = 1
bed_shape = -75x-50,75x-50,75×50,-75×50
bed_temperature = 0
before_layer_gcode =
bottom_solid_layers = 3
bridge_acceleration = 0
bridge_fan_speed = 100
bridge_flow_ratio = 1
bridge_speed = 60
brim_width = 0
complete_objects = 0
cooling = 1
default_acceleration = 0
disable_fan_first_layers = 3
dont_support_bridges = 1
duplicate_distance = 6
end_gcode = M104 S0 ; turn off temperature\nG28 X0 ; home X axis\nM84 ; disable motors\n
external_fill_pattern = rectilinear
external_perimeter_extrusion_width = 0
external_perimeter_speed = 50%
external_perimeters_first = 0
extra_perimeters = 1
extruder_clearance_height = 20
extruder_clearance_radius = 20
extruder_offset = 0x0
extrusion_axis = E
extrusion_multiplier = 1
extrusion_width = 0
fan_always_on = 0
fan_below_layer_time = 60
filament_colour = #FFFFFF
filament_diameter = 3
fill_angle = 45
fill_density = 20%
fill_pattern = honeycomb
first_layer_acceleration = 0
first_layer_bed_temperature = 0
first_layer_extrusion_width = 200%
first_layer_height = 0.4
first_layer_speed = 30
first_layer_temperature = 215
gap_fill_speed = 20
gcode_arcs = 0
gcode_comments = 0
gcode_flavor = reprap
infill_acceleration = 0
infill_every_layers = 10
infill_extruder = 1
infill_extrusion_width = 0
infill_first = 0
infill_only_where_needed = 0
infill_overlap = 15%
infill_speed = 80
interface_shells = 0
layer_gcode =
layer_height = 0.3
max_fan_speed = 100
max_print_speed = 80
max_volumetric_speed = 0
min_fan_speed = 35
min_print_speed = 10
min_skirt_length = 0
notes =
nozzle_diameter = 0.4
octoprint_apikey =
octoprint_host =
only_retract_when_crossing_perimeters = 1
ooze_prevention = 0
output_filename_format = [input_filename_base].gcode
overhangs = 1
perimeter_acceleration = 0
perimeter_extruder = 1
perimeter_extrusion_width = 0
perimeter_speed = 60
perimeters = 3
post_process =
pressure_advance = 0
raft_layers = 0
resolution = 0
retract_before_travel = 2
retract_layer_change = 0
retract_length = 2
retract_length_toolchange = 10
retract_lift = 0
retract_restart_extra = 0
retract_restart_extra_toolchange = 0
retract_speed = 40
seam_position = aligned
skirt_distance = 6
skirt_height = 1
skirts = 1
slowdown_below_layer_time = 5
small_perimeter_speed = 15
solid_infill_below_area = 70
solid_infill_every_layers = 0
solid_infill_extruder = 1
solid_infill_extrusion_width = 0
solid_infill_speed = 20
spiral_vase = 0
standby_temperature_delta = -5
start_gcode = G28 ; home all axes\nG1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle\n
support_material = 0
support_material_angle = 0
support_material_contact_distance = 0.2
support_material_enforce_layers = 0
support_material_extruder = 1
support_material_extrusion_width = 0
support_material_interface_extruder = 1
support_material_interface_layers = 3
support_material_interface_spacing = 0
support_material_interface_speed = 100%
support_material_pattern = pillars
support_material_spacing = 2.5
support_material_speed = 60
support_material_threshold = 0
temperature = 200
thin_walls = 1
threads = 2
toolchange_gcode =
top_infill_extrusion_width = 0
top_solid_infill_speed = 15
top_solid_layers = 3
travel_speed = 130
use_firmware_retraction = 0
use_relative_e_distances = 0
use_volumetric_e = 0
vibration_limit = 0
wipe = 0
xy_size_compensation = 0
z_offset = 0

New Matter MOD-t brings 3D printing to the consumer?

Well Hello again,

We have received the long awaited MOD-t 3D printer yesterday from the USA care of DHL.

Well, I have to first congratulate the box designers in their overall design. The whole package has the Apple look and feels to it.

Everything is packed well and survived its long trip without any breakages or movement of elements inside the box.

New Matter MOD-t 3D Printer.

As you can see the overall size is not huge. But, in reality, would you want an industrial-size 3D printer in your living room? Perhaps, not.

As we have come from the AutoDesk™ camp from many years ago. We should be able to produce some designs to test out this 3D printer.

Setup is reasonably easy once you have carefully removed the packaging from the printer. Then, the next instruction is to go to an HTTP address and download the software element. This in effect is a step by step installation program.

Once the software has been downloaded the next stage is to install it onto your system. Once, you have completed this. It asks you to plug in the USB lead into the device and Windows then recognises it. This then allows the software to download the current firmware for the MOD-t. Once, that is completed they then progress on to the loading the filament and then finally connecting to the WiFi in the home by asking you for the Password key.

MOD-t 3D Printing Models.

All went smoothly until we got to connecting to the wireless. Despite me checking the key-code twice. It wasn’t going to connect. I referred to the MOD-t support site. Which suggested turning off the MOD-t and disconnecting the USB after? Anyway, once I waited the 5 minutes. As instructed and then turn it on again the printer connected to the WiFi with no problem. I do remember some email from them. When they were still rolling out in the USA there were issues reported. However, the system once connected hasn’t caused any issues since. It has been turned off and moved on several occasions. Well, the next thing is trying a 3D print. As you can see I went for the old 3D puzzle. I’m still scratching my head on how to put it together. But, the end result is very impressive based on the cost of the device.

We throw an AutoDesk™ Fan at it and well. Either, the model isn’t up to scratch or it was a failed attempted? It looked OK in the preview picture. Anyway, we will have to play around with it more to find out itn’s strengths and weaknesses.

A 1Kg filament roll comes in at £21.50 excluding shipping from the local EU supplier. So, the running costs shouldn’t be too harsh to the Tagware 3D fund.

Once, we have had more time with it. We will post an update.

Until then.


Zone your Heating on cheap

Hello Again,

We have been looking into how to make 30%+60% savings on your Gas bill. By automating some more of the mundane things that go unnoticed month after month.

One of which was the TADO 2 review. But, since then. I have found another bit of kit that will allow you to control the whole house environment without costing the earth to make it happen.

Whilst, we are all for Renewables in this house. You can’t keep spending thousands without having some payback.eQ-3

However, these devices are in the £9-19 each. Which, I think should be within everybody’s pocket who has either a flat or house.

Well most houses/flats in the UK have water based heating systems with the thermostat house in the hall and TRV’s on the radiator. However, just like in the TADO V2 review. Things have moved on.

These little chaps are able to adapt more to the way that the room is used by day and time.

For example. Most people have TRV are set to a static position. Bedrooms are in 17-18ºC and the front room is set at 22-24º depending on how old you are.

What these devices allow you to do is set up the room for different heat requirements depending on what time the day or week it is.

For example, in the morning when you are in the Dining room/Kitchen. The front room is set to 17º and when it gets to say 5 pm they then adjust to the 22ºC temperature. So, when the heating turns on they increase the heat in that room.

Thus saving gas by not heating rooms that are not being used. Zone heating without all the fuss of re-doing all of the pipes.

What’s more, these can be fitted by anyone. As you don’t need to drain the system. All that is required is that the old TRV is opened up. Then, to untwist the chrome ring under to remove the static TRV.

Pull out the battery tag from the new device and enter the Year, by moving the disc on the front left or right then pressing once to store. Then, move on to the Month and Date. Progress on the hour and minutes using the same method. It then prompts you to place it in position. So, carefully screw in the device and once firm then press the disc button again to complete.

The device will then close the valve and then open it fully a couple of times. So, it can work out how much valve movement there is.

Then, you can progress to programming, which type of scheme you wish to use. Again, using the disc to choose from either each per 7 days being different, 5 Working and 2 days Weekends or all the same for all 7 days.

It defaults to 00:00 at 17.0C, from 0600 to 0900 at 21’C and then drops from 0900 to 17:00 to 17’C again. Then, at 17:00 to 23:00 backup to 21’C and then finally from 23:00 to 00:00 goes to 17’C.

All of these timings and temperatures can be change to your household routine.eQ-3_bluetooth

For those who like to sit in another room and change the thermostats remotely.

It’s the same in installation as the above. But, this model is Bluetooth enabled. Using an App on your phone. You can pair each of the devices via Bluetooth throughout the house to your phone and change
the schedules remotely. Even, in a different part of the house. Time to get your own back on the TV remote!

You can obtain the App from here  If, you, have more radiators in a room. You can even have two or three valves control by room. Or, you can change them individually.

Hours of fun over Xmas and you even save money. What more do you need? For those that can’t remember to put the clock forward and back. You can set this to do it automatically.

The non-Bluetooth devices come in at £9.95 each and the Bluetooth version is £19.95 each.

But, it does stop you having to move into the room to adjust them.

We’ve been pleasantly surprised in the way we have been able to manage the heating system room by room. Rather than allowing the TRV just to adjust the overall house temperature.

Yes, there are other systems out there that stitch the whole system together. But, they are expensive compared to these devices that do the same task. Well, that’s my point of view. What’s yours?

Until next time.


When does Microsoft call you?

Hello Everyone,

Well, it eventually had to happen. It was only a matter of time before they got to me.

Yes, you guess right.

A phone call on our private line say that “This is Microsoft here, you seem to have an issue with you PC. Your PC seems to have a Jar file that is causing an issue”

Well, the thought did cross my mind to string along this India sounding Lady. However, I had better things to do with my time. Like writing this Blog!

It seems that the oversea call centres have branched out into technical support. As you would expect, she asked me to turn on my PC. So, that she could fix the problem from me. To which I replied “SCAM”.

None too impressed she swore down the phone. Then, disconnected me.

It does question if our phone provider should be doing more than shrug their shoulders in this case. As with Big Data now in full swing. It should be reasonably easy to pick up this number of calls going into this system from a specific area.

However, to answer the question. Rather than say “SCAM” and get an earful. I would suggest saying we don’t have a PC. Well, that isn’t too far off from being the truth.

Until next time.