

Oh Shit moment for the un-breakable APPLE Devices.

Apple’s has just arrived and it BIG ladies and Gentleman. Hardware level that isn’t going to be fixed any time soon on M1 and possible M2 type devices. […]

Is Bitcoin or the Web 3.0 a good idea?

Development of Government control expenditure and Public data access control using a open Blockchain system. […]

Stop ISP’s tracking your DNS & browser history!

Well hello again.

For those who wish to stop people being nosy about tracking what and where you browse. There are a few things that you can do that will happily upset most but not ALL internet nosy people on tracking on who or what you visit. GCHQ and the NSA probably still have a […]

UK Pension Freedoms and Catches!

The chaps at AJ Bell have put together a 20 min video that explains about the various pension options and HMRC’s not so nice practices.

Good. See I was being helpful.

Enjoy the rest of your day and start that SIPP if you don’t have one already.

Even a couple of £100 now […]

Defence Secretary accuses technology firms of acting like the ‘enemy within’: Sir Michael Fallon says companies cannot act like a ‘fifth column’ in a modern democracy.


Sir M. Fallon & Mrs Rudd, If you are incapable of doing your job. I suggest that the resign and allow someone who actually is qualified in the technology to get on with doing this job properly. If the CIA/FBI and Department of Justice are unable to tell Apple to open […]

When does Microsoft call you?

Hello Everyone,

Well, it eventually had to happen. It was only a matter of time before they got to me.

Yes, you guess right.

A phone call on our private line say that “This is Microsoft here, you seem to have an issue with you PC. Your PC seems to have a Jar file that […]