

10% saving in Electricity Bill – Interested?

Dear Reader,


Well, here I am again, trying to save you some money and the planet at the same time!

Click on the video if you’re not  a techie!

Here, goes the techie bit.

In the UK the standard single phase voltage is allowed to be between 207 and 257v AC by the EU regs. Love them :O)

Now, most domestic appliances are designed by the manufacturers to work between these voltages. Be they LCD TV, Computers, Cookers, Fridges or lights.

Before you say well I have low energy lighting, so I need not worry. Even these, will see savings. So, read on!

The Distribution companies for sensible reason supply over and above the standard 220 VAC. This is to ensure that everyone happy. What happens is that the current normally reduces a tad.

But, it is the Wattage that you get charged by the electricity companies. So, this is the thing you should be concentrating on!

VPHASE Unit – Saves 10%-15% on your electricity bills!

What the device does, is to reduce the incoming voltage from the grid, which, can be anything for 257-230V down to 220V precisely. All your current electrical devices in the home will be as happy as Larry to work on this level of voltage.

Now, if our friends at the electricity board have a laps moment and the voltage drops below 220v. Then, the device doesn’t reduce the voltage any further. That would be silly!

However, for those of you that took Physics O, A or Degree level even in the UK. Would have spotted that the reduction of voltage, will drag down the watt proportionately.

By reducing the wattage the household devices take. Will reduce the electricity bill!

Now, don’t get overboard. The savings depend on the current voltage supply that is entering your house. But, you can check this out by buying one of these devices. [amazon-product align=”left”]B000Q7PJGW[/amazon-product]

[amazon-product align=”left”]B002PD73IW[/amazon-product]

Which, also come in handy, to find out how much each electrical item is using in the first place! Now, once you have got the voltage reading, then this table provides advice as to if to fit the device;

So, are you in good company? Well, the short answer is yes. Large businesses have been using this technology for years and have saved hundreds of thousands of pounds in the process.

It has taken some time to reach the domestic market, as the cost of fitting the unit, out weight the savings achieved. But, with electrical prices increasing on a yearly basis, it’s time to start seriously considering installing one of these devices!

Even the Electricity suppliers themselves are in agreement. See here That, must have been like pulling teeth for them to agree. After all, they didn’t want you to save money, as it hits their bottom line!

However, this small investment could provide many years of savings! With an average UK Electricity bill using 3,600 kWhrs at 12.5p per unit that’s £45 per year. This year – next it will be more! This also assumes that you use 10 units a day. Now, we use 10-12 units a day and we are completely energy focus! Might be time to work out how many units your typically household use in a day? I think you might find that you use a little more than the average! Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this, would you?

SSE Trials

Working with Scottish and Southern Electric, VPhase devices have been installed in 50 homes with a view to calculating the lifetime CO2 saving potential of the device. The results have again been independently analysed by EA Technology and are demonstrating lifetime savings of around 4 tonnes of CO2. This evidence has been passed to Ofgem for their corroboration so the device can qualify for the CERT scheme and we expect results to be released in Q4 2010.

Once installed, you can also show off to the local neighbours, that you have done your GREEN bit for the environment! By saving 4 tonnes of CO2. You can skip the actual reason why you did it in the first place (save money) unless, like me, you are going to be nice!

The costs of the unit are priced at £250 and you would normally return that investment within 3-5 years. The unit will then continue to save money for another 20 or so years without intervention. Now, seeing that you are earning very little in the bank at present. It’s a bit of a no brainier!

Update: They now have a UK wide installation service that will install the device for £349 inclusive of VAT.

So, there you have it. A pain-free way to save money without yelling at the kids to keep turning off the electronics/lights etc…! What, I’m I saying?

No, keep yelling at the kids to turn things off!

Until next time.

Now, for those who need pretty pictures go here and for the electrician of you click Here

Update: We have installed this in Dec 2010, so will report results later.

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