

15/01690/F Address:Land Parcel Adjacent To 16 Croydon Lane Banstead Surrey

Yet again these people will not go away. Please add your voice to this rejection. By all means, copy the reason I give below.


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Customer Details
Address: 13 Sandersfield Road Banstead


Comments Details
Commenter Type: Neighbour – Objection
Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application
Reasons for comment: – Harm to Green Belt/countryside
– Hazard to highway safety
– Increase in traffic and congestion
– No need for the development
– Out of character with surrounding area
– Overdevelopment
– Poor design
Comments: As stated in the planning portal. This is HM Gov policy. There is absolutely no reason whatsoever to grant this application. It is questionable whether it should even be considered by the Reigate and Banstead BC. As it seems very similar to the previous application 14/00440/CU. This is not a major new development and in not in a Local plan. The applicant is purely trying to purchase the land cheap and then establish planning permission on it. This is practice should recognise for what it is. A commercial firm trying to save money by not utilising a Brownfield site. Which, there are many available. One example is that Fire station on the A217. Which, is being suggested is surplus to requirements? This set-aside. The additional traffic that would be created on an over utilised part of the A2022 would not allow for the normal Village High Street to function. The road currently backs up when the school drops occur. This would just exasperate the situation. I highly doubt that the mourners would relish sitting in a traffic jam in a Hearse. A commercial firm is required to utilise assets fully. This is shown by the size of the area given to the Car Park. This would easily create additional 300-400 car journey a day to and from the site. You have now established a Fire Station at the Banstead Police station. How do you propose that this engine attends incidents with the blocked traffic flow? The location of the proposed Crematorium just opposite Sunrise Residential Care home is unbelievably crass. I believe the application should be rejected by the Borough council. With the advice, that this site it not appropriate for the business that the applicant wishes to use it for. The Borough Council should also consider 3 rejections and then no further Planning Applications should be allowed to be considered for the Land in 10 years to stop this speculative behave occurring.

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